Human Hormones

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Human Hormones
  • Hormones and endocrine disruptors are a vast group of chemicals and biological compounds that control a variety of everyday functions in your body.

What are Human Hormones?

Is the water you consume every day as safe as you think? While tap water may appear pure, it can sometimes harbor hidden dangers. One such danger is chloroform; a byproduct of water disinfection and a key chemical in various industrial processes.

The presence of chloroform in drinking water is a concerning issue, but, fortunately, it's one that can be addressed. This article will equip you with the knowledge to identify and understand the risks associated with chloroform in your drinking water. Your journey towards safer, healthier water begins here.

Contamination Facts







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Understanding how hormones end up in drinking water is important for consumers to make informed choices about water consumption and filtration. Let's look at the various sources and processes that contribute to the presence of hormones and endocrine disruptors in our water supply.

Human Waste: Hormones that are naturally excreted by the human body or from medications can end up in wastewater and, eventually, our water supply.

Pharmaceutical Waste: When medications, including hormonal medications, are improperly disposed of by flushing them down the toilet or sink, they can enter the water supply.

Agricultural Runoff: Livestock are often given hormonal treatments to enhance growth. These hormones can be excreted and end up in manure, and when it rains, residue from the manure can be washed into nearby rivers and lakes, which may eventually be drinking water sources.

Industrial Waste: Some industrial processes can produce waste that contains hormones or hormone-like substances. If this waste is not properly treated, it can contaminate surface water.

Leaching from Landfills: Hormones from discarded medications and other sources can leach out of landfills and into groundwater.

Personal Care Products: Some personal care products like cosmetics, lotions, and soaps contain hormones or endocrine-disrupting compounds. These can enter water systems through the drains.

Once in the water system, these hormones pose a significant challenge to wastewater treatment plants. Designed to eliminate larger, more tangible contaminants, many treatment facilities struggle to handle minute hormone particles.

Health Effects of Human Hormones

The main route of chloroform into our water supplies is through the water disinfection process. When water treatment facilities use chlorine or other disinfectants to clean the water, these disinfectants can react with organic matter in the chlorinated water. This reaction forms compounds called disinfection byproducts (DBPs), one of which is chloroform. This process is quite common and can potentially affect any water source treated with chlorine-based disinfectants.

But water treatment isn't the only source of chloroform. Industrial operations that use chlorine can produce chloroform-contaminated waste. This pollutant can seep into our groundwater or rivers, adding to the overall levels in our water supplies.

Using chlorine-based products at home, like bleach or swimming pool disinfectants, can also contribute to this problem as they break down into chloroform, which can then find its way into our water system.

It's a surprising reality, but chloroform isn't the only chemical we should be worried about in our drinking water. Other substances, like fluoride, are introduced intentionally for public health purposes but have raised their own health concerns.

As we navigate the hidden hormone crisis lurking in our water supplies, awareness and understanding remain our most potent tools. It's not just about the ethynylestradiol from birth control pills or the Bisphenol A (BPA) leached from plastic bottles; it's a larger issue. From the sewage treatment plants to our kitchen faucets, we need to recognize the impact of these invisible invaders. The water quality we enjoy today, governed by standards set by organizations like the US EPA, is not guaranteed to be sufficient tomorrow.

But it's not just about what's taken out of the water; it's also about what's left in. While advanced filtration technology aims to remove harmful substances, it's crucial that it does not strip water of its beneficial dissolved solids like calcium and potassium, which are essential to our health. This is a delicate balance that Clearly Filtered technology manages to strike, ensuring the water we drink is not only clean but also healthy.

To learn more about effective filtration methods and to find the right water filter for you, read our article on what kinds of technologies are best at removing human hormones from your drinking water.

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